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Center for Genomic Selection in Animals and Plants (GenSAP)
6. Årsmøde
6. Årsmøde
5. Årsmøde
4. Årsmøde
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2. Årsmøde
GenSAP Åbningssymposium
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6. Årsmøde
GenSAPs 6. årsmøde
27.-28. november 2018
(på engelsk)
Session 1 - Scientific Focus Area 1: Understanding the genetic basis of complex traits
Introduction to the session by the chair, and o
verview of genomic feature models
. (Senior scientist Peter Sørensen, QGG-AU)
Gene mapping in cattle: lessons learnt from genome-wide variants
. (Senior scientist Goutam Sahana, QGG-AU)
Understanding Gene by Environment Interactions in Ryegrass
. (Senior scientist Torben Asp, MBG-AU)
Building genomic resources for breeding in a new species - mink as an example
(Senior scientist Goutam Sahana, QGG-AU / postdoc Zexi Cai, QGG-AU)
Session 2 - Scientific Focus area 2: Genomic prediction in animals and plants
Introduction to the session by the chair
(Senior scientist Luc Janss, QGG-AU)
Use of metabolomics in pig, barley and cattle
(Senior scientist Pernille Merete Sarup, QGG-AU)
Adjusting for macro-environmental sensitivity in growth rate
(Research assistant Mette Dam Madsen QGG-AU)
Use of whole genome sequencing, fine mapping and custom LD chips in cattle
(Professor Mogens Sandø Lund, QGG-AU)
From project to practice, successful implementation of GS in a commercial barley breeding program
(Breeder Jens Due Jensen, Nordic Seed)
Session 3 - Scientific Focus Area 3: Assessment and optimization tools
Introduction to the session by the chair
(Senior scientist Anders Christian Sørensen, QGG-AU)
Pedigree relationships to control inbreeding in optimum-contribution selection realize more genetic gain that genomic relationships
(Senior scientist Mark Henryon, SEGES)
Impacts of GxE on breeding program decision-making using genomic selection
(PhD student Lu Cao, QGG-AU)
Application of genomic selection in wheat breeding
(Postdoc Biructawit Bekele Tessema, QGG-AU)
Changes in the pig breeding program in Denmark after GenSAP
(Senior scientist Mark Henryon, SEGES and Manager of Breeding and Genetics Tage Ostersen, SEGES)
Session 4 - Future challenges for research and industry in development and application of genomic selection
Introduction to the session by the chair
(Professor Just Jensen, QGG-AU)
Alternative models for quantitative genetics and genomics
(Professor Daniel Gianola, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Future use of big data in animal and plant breeding
(Professor Peer Berg, QGG-AU and NMBU Norway)
Super-large-scale genomic selection
(Professor Theo Meuwissen, NMBU, Norway)
Functional genomics to understand gene function and gene regulation
(Professor Michael Goddard, University of Melbourne, Australia)
Current status and future needs for grass breeding programs
(Head of turf research Christian Sig Jensen DLF)
Current status and future needs in cattle breeding programs
(Senior scientist Jørn Rind Thomassen QGG-AU and VikingGenetics)
Closing remarks on GenSAP.
(Professor Mogens Sandø Lund, QGG-AU)
Revideret 07.06.2023
Jette Odgaard Villemoes