Gustavsson, F.
, Buitenhuis, A. J., Johansson, M.
, Bertelsen, H. P., Glantz, M.
, Poulsen, N. A., Månsson, H. L., Stålhammer, H.
, Larsen, L. B., Bendixen, C., Paulsson, M. & Andrén, A. (2014).
Effects of breed and casein genetic variants on protein profile in milk from Swedish Red, Danish Holstein, and Danish Jersey.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(6), 3866-3877.
Berry, D. P., Coffey, M. P., Pryce, J. E., de Haas, Y.
, Løvendahl, P., Krattenmacher, N., Crowley, J. J.
, Wang, Z., Spurlock, D., Weigel, K., Macdonald, K. & Veerkamp, R. F. (2014).
International genetic evaluations for feed intake in dairy cattle through the collation of data from multiple sources.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(6), 3894-3904.
de Haas, Y.
, Lassen, J., Pickering, N., McEwan, J., Oddy, H., Wall, E., Gengler, N., Dehareng, F.
, Løvendahl, P. & Rowe, S. (2014).
The road to genetic selection for methane emission from ruminants: A global approach. I
Main Program: IDF/ISO Analytical Week and ICAR/Interbull Conference (s. 55-55)
Galesloot, T. E., Van Steen, K., Kiemeney, L. A. L. M.
, Janss, L. L. & Vermeulen, S. H. (2014).
A comparison of multivariate genome-wide association methods.
P L o S One,
9(4), 1-8. Artikel e95923.
Kjærup, R. M., Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Bergman, I.-M., Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2014).
Adjuvant effects of mannose-binding lectin ligands on the immune response to infectious bronchitis vaccine in chickens with high or low serum mannose-binding lectin concentrations.
219(4), 263-274.
Maia, R. P., Ask, B.
, Madsen, P., Pedersen, J.
& Labouriau, R. (2014).
Genetic determination of mortality rate in Danish dairy cows: a multivariate competing risk analysis based on the number of survived lactations.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(3), 1753-1761.
Pryce, J. E., Johnston, J., Hayes, B. J.
, Sahana, G., Weigel, K. A., McParland, S., Spurlock, D., Krattenmacher, N., Spelman, R. J., Wall, E. & Calus, M. P. L. (2014).
Imputation of genotypes from low density (50,000 markers) to high density (700,000 markers) of cows from research herds in Europe, North America, and Australasia using 2 reference populations.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(3), 1799-1811.
Jensen, P., Overgaard, J., Loeschcke, V., Schou, M. F., Malte, H. & Kristensen, T. N. (2014).
Inbreeding effects on standard metabolic rate investigated at cold, benign and hot temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster.
Journal of Insect Physiology,
62, 11-20.
Schrooten, C., Dassonneville, R., Ducrocq, V.
, Brøndum, R. F., Lund, M. S., Chen, J., Liu, Z., González-Recio, O., Pena, J. & Druet, T. (2014).
Error rate for imputation from the Illumina BovineSNP50 chip to the Illumina BovineHD chip.
Genetics Selection Evolution,
46(10), 1-9.
Thirstrup, J. P., Anistoroaei, R. M.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Christensen, K., Fredholm, M.
& Nielsen, V. H. (2014).
Identifying QTL and genetic correlations between fur quality traits in mink (Neovison vison).
Animal Genetics,
45(1), 105-110.
Bouwman, A. C., Valente, B. D.
, Janss, L. L. G., Bovenhuis, H. & Rosa, G. J. M. (2014).
Exploring causal networks of bovine milk fatty acids in a multivariate mixed model context.
Genetics Selection Evolution,
46(2), 1-2.
Ashraf, B., Fé, D., Jensen, J., Byrne, S., Asp, T., Greve-Pedersen, M., Lenk, I., Jensen, C. S.
& Janss, L. (2014).
Genomic Variance Estimation Based on Genotyping-by-Sequencing with Different Coverage in Perennial Ryegrass. I
Proceeding of Plant & Animal Genome XXII: The International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research (s. 157-157).
Vilkki, J., Dolezal, M. A.
, Sahana, G., Iso-Touru, T.
, Panitz, F., Fasold, M., Bagnato , A. & Soller, M. (2014).
Multiple Breed Validation of Five QTL Affecting Mastitis Resistance. Abstract fra Plant and Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, USA.
Vilkki, J., Dolezal, M. A.
, Sahana, G., Iso-Touru, T.
, Panitz, F., Fasold, M., Bagnato , A. & Soller, M. (2014).
Multiple Breed Validation of Five QTL Affecting Mastitis Resistance. Poster session præsenteret på Plant and Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, USA.
Fé, D., Ashraf, B., Greve-Pedersen, M., Lenk, I.
, Janss, L., Byrne, S., Asp, T., Jensen, C. S.
, Jensen, J. & Czaban, A. (2014).
Genomic prediction based on next generation sequencing of 1000 F2-families in Lolium perenne L. I
Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference
Pleidrup, J.
, Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Permin, A., Schou, T. W., Skovgaard, K., Vadekær, D. F., Jungersen, G.
, Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2014).
Ascaridia galli infection influences the development of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity after Newcastle Disease vaccination in chickens.
32(3), 383-392.
Kadri, N. K., Sahana, G., Charlier, C., Iso-Touru, T.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Karim, L., Nielsen, U. S.
, Panitz, F., Aamand, G. P., Schulman, N., Georges, M., Vilkki, J.
, Lund, M. S. & Druet, T. (2014).
A 660-Kb deletion with antagonistic effects on fertility and milk production segregates at high frequency in Nordic Red cattle: Additional evidence for the common occurrence of balancing selection in livestock.
P L o S Genetics,
10(1), 1-11. Artikel e1004049.
Guo, G.
, Guo, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Li, X., Liu, L., Shi, W., Usman, T., Wang, X., Du, L. & Zhang, Q. (2014).
Estimation of genetic parameters of fertility traits in Chinese Holstein cattle.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science,
94(2), 281-285.
Gustavsson, F., Glantz, M.
, Buitenhuis, A. J., Lindmark-Månsson, H., Stålhammar, H., Andrén, A. & Paulsson, M. (2014).
Factors influencing chymosin-induced gelation of milk from individual dairy cows: Major effects of casein micelle size and calcium.
International Dairy Journal,
39(1), 201-208.
Thomasen, J. R., Egger-Danner, C., Willam, A.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S. & Sørensen, A. C. (2014).
Genomic selection strategies in a small dairy cattle population evaluated for genetic gain and profit.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(1), 458-470.
Liu, T., Qu, H., Luo, C., Shu, D., Wang, J.
, Lund, M. S. & Su, G. (2014).
Accuracy of genomic prediction for growth and carcass traits in Chinese triple-yellow chickens.
BMC Genetics,
15(110), 1-8.
Marete, A. G., Ojango, J., Mujibi, F., Rao, J., Poole, J., Weerasinghe, S., Rege, E., Gondro, C. & Gibson, J. (2014).
A novel use of high density SNP assays to optimize choice of different crossbred dairy. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Della Riva, A.
, Kristensen, T., De Marchi1, M.
, Kargo, M., Jensen, J. & Cassandro, M. (2014).
Carbon footprint from dairy farming system: comparison between Holstein and Jersey cattle in Italian circumstances.
Acta Agraria Kaposvàriensis,
18(Supplement 1), 75-80.
Guo, G., Zhao, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Du, L.
& Su, G. (2014).
Comparison of single-trait and multiple-trait genomic prediction models.
BMC Genetics,
15(30), 1-7.
van den Berg, I., Rodrigue<, S., Fritz, S., Boussaha, M.
, Lund, M. S. & Boichard, D. (2014).
Concordance analysis for QTL detection in dairy cattle: a case study of leg morphology.
Genetics Selection Evolution,
Lin, L., Luo, Y., Sørensen, P., Prætorius, H., Vajta, G., Callesen, H., Pribenszky, C.
, Bolund, L. & Kristensen, T. N. (2014).
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on genomic expression profiling of porcine parthenogenetic activated and cloned embryos.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development,
26, 469-484.
Ngoc Do, D., Ostersen, T., Strathe, A. B., Mark, T.
, Jensen, J. & Kadarmideen, H. N. (2014).
Genome-wide association and systems genetic analyses of residual feed intake, daily feed consumption, backfat and weight gain in pigs.
B M C Genetics,
15, Artikel 27.
Su, G., Guldbrandtsen, B., Aamand, G. P., Strandén, I.
& Lund, M. S. (2014).
Genomic relationships based on X chromosome markers and accuracy of genomic predictions with and without X chromosome markers.
Genetics Selection Evolution,
46(47), 1-12.
Pedersen, H. S., Løvendahl, P., Nikolaisen, N., Holm, P., Hyttel, P.
, Nyengaard, J. R., Chen, F. & Callesen, H. (2014).
Mitochondrial dynamics in pre- and postpubertal pig oocytes before and after in vitro maturation.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development,
26(1), 189-190. Artikel 152.
Marete, A. G., Mujibi, F., Ojango, J., Rao, J., Kihara, A., Baltenweck, I., Poole, J., Rege, E., Gondro, C., Gibson, J., Mwai, O. & Karanja, T. (2014).
Use of high density SNP genotypes to determine the breed composition of cross bred dairy. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Sahana, G., Nielsen, U. S., Aamand, G. P.
, Lund, M. S. & Guldbrandtsen, B. (2013).
Novel harmful recessive haplotypes identified for fertility traits in Nordic Holstein cattle.
P L o S One,
8(12), 1-5. Artikel e82909.
Wu, X., Fang, M., Liu, L., Wang, S., Liu, J., Ding, X., Zhang, S., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Qiao, L.
, Lund, M. S., Su, G. & Sun, D. (2013).
Genome wide association studies for body conformation traits in the Chinese Holstein cattle population.
B M C Genomics,
14(897), 1-10.
Elkjær, K., Labouriau, R., Ancker, M.-L., Gustafsson, H.
& Callesen, H. (2013).
Practical use of a uterine score system for predicting effects on interval from calving to first insemination and non-return rate 56 in Danish dairy herds. Veterinary Journal,
198(3), 644-648.
Pickering, N. K., de Haas, Y., Cammack, K., Hayes, B., Hegarty, R. S.
, Lassen, J., McEwan, J. C., Miller, S., Pinares-Patino, C. S., Shackell, G., Vercoe, P. & Oddy, V. H. (2013, nov. 18).
Consensus methods for breeding low methane emitting animals.,listing,95,mpwg-white-paper.html
Krokida, A., Delis, C.
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A metabolic gene cluster in Lotus japonicus discloses novel enzyme functions and products in triterpene biosynthesis.
New Phytologist,
200(3), 675-90.
Kloverpris, S., Gaidamauskas, E., Rasmussen, L. C. V., Overgaard, M. T., Kronborg, C., Knudsen, U. B., Christiansen, M., Kumar, A. & Oxvig, C. (2013).
A robust immunoassay for pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 based on analysis of circulating antigen: Establishment of normal ranges in pregnancy.
Molecular Human Reproduction,
19(11), 756-763. Artikel gat047.
Kjærup, R. M., Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2013).
Influence of mannose-binding lectin ligands on infectious bronchitis virus vaccine responses in chickens differing in mannose-binding lectin serum levels. Abstract fra COST Action FA1207 - 1st meeting, Langen, Tyskland.
Anantharama Ankinakatte, S., Norberg, E., Løvendahl, P., Edwards, D. & Højsgaard, S. (2013).
Predicting mastitis in dairy cows using neural networks and generalized additive models: a comparison.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
99, 1-6.
Strathe, A. B., Mark, T.
, Jensen, J., Nielsen, B., Duy, D. N. & Kadarmideen, H. N. (2013).
Random regression models for daily feed intake in Danish Duroc pigs. Abstract fra The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Meeting, Minneapolis, USA.
Li, J., Li, R., Liu, Y., Villemoes, K., Purup, S. & Callesen, H. (2013).
Developmental kinetics of pig embryos by parthenogenetic activation or by handmade cloning.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals,
48(5), 866-873.
Gustavsson, F.
, Buitenhuis, A. J., Bertelsen, H. P., Glantz, M., Lindmark Månsson, H., Stålhammar, H.
, Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B., Bendixen, C., Andrén, A. & Paulsson, M. (2013).
Effect of casein genetic variants and composition on casein micelle size in Swedish Red. Abstract fra IDF World Dairy Summit 2013, Yokohama, Japan.
Gustavsson, F.
, Buitenhuis, A. J., Bertelsen, H. P., Glantz, M., Lindmark Månsson, H., Stålhammar, H.
, Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B., Paulsson, M. & Andrén, A. (2013).
Effect of casein genetic variants on rennet-induced gelation in Swedish Red. Abstract fra IDF World Dairy Summit 2013, Yokohama, Japan.
Gustavsson, F.
, Gregersen, V. R., Buitenhuis, A. J., Bertelsen, H. P., Glantz, M., Stålhammar, H., Lindmark Månsson, H.
, Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B., Bendixen, C., Fikse, F., Andrén, A. & Paulsson, M. (2013).
Investigation of rennet coagulation properties in milk from Swedish Red cows using both traditional and modern milk genomics approaches. Abstract fra 10th International Symposium for Milk Genomics and Human Health, UC Davis, Californien, USA.
Poulsen, N. A., Rybicka, I., Buitenhuis, A. J., Larsen, L. B. & Larsen, M. K. (2013).
Natural variation of riboflavin content in bovine milk. Poster session præsenteret på 10th International Symposium for Milk Genomics and Human Health, UC Davis, Californien, USA.
Hamzic, E., Bed'Hom, B., Juin, H., Hawken, R., Abrahamsen, M., Elsen, J.-M., Servin, B., Pinard-van der Laan, M.-H. & Demeure, O. (2013).
Investigation of immune response to Eimeria maxima in broilers. Abstract fra 8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Venice, Italien.
Hamzic, E., Bed'Hom, B., Juin, H., Hawken, R., Abrahamsen, M., Elsen, J.-M., Servin, B., Pinard-van der Laan, M.-H. & Demeure, O. (2013).
Investigation of immune response to Eimeria maxima in broilers. Poster session præsenteret på 8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Venice, Italien.
Sørensen, P., Edwards, S. M., Madsen, P., Jensen, P., Sørensen, I. F., de los Campos, G.
& Sorensen, D. (2013).
Genomic Feature Models. I
Book of Abstracts (s. 68)
Pedersen, L. D., Jørgensen, H. B. H., Kargo, M., Thomsen, P. T. & Norberg, E. (2013).
A genetic study of loser cows in Danish dairy herds.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science,
62(3), 159-163.
Do, D. N.
, Strathe, A. B., Jensen, J., Mark, T.
& Kadarmideen, H. N. (2013).
Genetic parameters for different measures of feed efficiency and related traits in boars of three pig breeds.
Journal of Animal Science,
91(9), 4069-4079.,