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Dassonneville, R.
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Buch, L. H.
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Hygiene-related and feed-related hoof diseases show different patterns of genetic correlations to clinical mastitis and female fertility.
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Buch, L. H., Sørensen, M. K., Lassen, J., Berg, P., Jacobsen, J. H., Johansson, K.
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Udder health and female fertility traits are favourable correlated and support each other in multi-trait evaluations.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
128(3), 174-182.
Brøndum, R. F., Rius-Vilarrasa, E., Strandén, I.
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Asp, T., Byrne, S., Gundlach, H., Bruggmann, R., Mayer, K. F. X.
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Askegaard, M., Thomsen, I. K., Berntsen, J.
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Nielsen, V. H., Anistoroaei, R. M.
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Jagten på pelsgener. Afhandling præsenteret på Aktuel Pelsdyrforskning, Tjele, Danmark.
Sivakumaran, A.
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Fomsgaard, I. S., Añon, M. C., Barba de la Rosa, A. P., Christophersen, C., Dusek, K., Délano-Frier, J., Espinoza Pérez, J., Fonseca, A., Janovská, D.
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Adding Value to Holy Grain: Providing the Key Tools for the Exploitation of Amaranth - The Protein-rich Grain of the Aztecs: Results from a Joint European - Latin American Research Project. Abstract fra Tropentag 2010. World Food System - A contribution from Europe, Zürich, Schweiz.
Carciofi, M., Svensson, J. T., Shaik, S. S.
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A Model System for Bioengineering of Starch in Barley. Abstract fra Summer Course Glycosciences, 11th European Training Course on Carbohydrates , Wageningen, Holland.
Thomasen, J. R., Guldbrandtsen, B., Su, G., Brøndum, R. F. & Lund, M. S. (2010).
Reliabilities of Genomoc Estimated Breeding Values in Danish Jersey. Poster session præsenteret på World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, WCGALP, Leipzig, Tyskland.
Panitz, F., Hedegaard, J., Borkhardt, B., Ulvskov, P.
, Asp, T. & Bendixen, C. (2010).
Genome sequencing of algae and grass: Initial results from the de-novo assembly of Penium margaritaceum and Lolium Perenne. Poster session præsenteret på Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference, Hinxton, Storbritannien.
Ødegård, J., Yazdi, M. H., Gitterle, T.
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A cure Survial Model for Genetic analysis of Taura Syndrome Virus Resistance in Pacific White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Poster session præsenteret på World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, WCGALP, Leipzig, Tyskland.
Nielsen, M., Hedegaard, J., Skovgaard, K., Heegaard, P. M.
, Bendixen, C. & Thomsen, B. (2010).
Expression profiling of mRNA and microRNA in pigs infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. Poster session præsenteret på Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, ISAG 2010, Edinburgh, Storbritannien.
Min, T. G.
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Multivariate classification of germinated, non-germinated and artificially aged radish and cabbage seeds using single seed near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Poster session præsenteret på ISTA Congress Cologne, Køln, Tyskland.
Liu, Y., Østrup, O.
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Liu, Y., Østrup, O.
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Colony formation during cell culture as a biological marker for reprogramming ability of Xenopus egg extract. Poster session præsenteret på The 26th Scientific Meeting of AETE, Kuopio, Finland.
Liu, Y., Østrup, O.
, Li, J., Vajta, G., Purup, S. & Callesen, H. (2010).
Colony formation during cell culture as a biological marker for reprogramming ability of Xenopus egg extract. Poster session præsenteret på International Embryo Transfer Society, Córdoba, Argentina.
Liu, Y., Østrup, O.
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Khaldari, M., Pakdel, A., Yegane, H. M., Javaremi, A. N.
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Response to Selection And Estimation of Genetic Parameters For 4 wk Body Weight in Quail. Poster session præsenteret på World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, WCGALP, Leipzig, Tyskland.
Hedegaard, J., Schou, K. K., Skovgaard, K.
, Zhan, B., Panitz, F., Hornshøj, H., Heegaard, P. M., Angen, Ø., Boye, M.
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The porcine systemic response to pleuropneumonia studied by transcriptional profi ling of liver and tracheobronchial lung lymph nodes using multiplexed mRNA-Seq: P5040. Poster session præsenteret på Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, ISAG 2010, Edinburgh, Storbritannien.
Green, O., Juul Larsen, J., Kristensen, E. F., Nadimi, E. S.
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Automatisk overvågning af korntørreri. Poster session præsenteret på Indvielse af nye high-tech forskningsfaciliteter til jordbrugsforskning, Foulum, Danmark.
Green, O., Juul Larsen, J., Kristensen, E. F., Nadimi, E. S.
, Jørgensen, J. R., Ibrahim, I. A. F. A. H., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Automatisk overvågning af korntørreri. Poster session præsenteret på Netværksmøde om IT i landbruget, Foulum.
Green, O., Jørgensen, R. N.
, Kristensen, K., Gislum, R., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Effects of the machine wheel load on grass yield. Poster session præsenteret på World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Sustainable biosystems through engineering, Quebec, Canada.
Green, O., Jørgensen, R. N.
, Kristensen, K., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Hjulbelastning og dæktryks påvirkning af græsudbyttet. Poster session præsenteret på Indvielse af nye high-tech forskningsfaciliteter til jordbrugsforskning, Foulum, Danmark.
Green, O., Jørgensen, R. N.
, Kristensen, K., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Significant effects of the machine wheel load on grass yield by using a new field expermental method. Poster session præsenteret på NJF seminar: Sensors for soil and plant mapping and terrain analysis, Skara, Sverige.
Glud, A. N., Hedegaard, C., Nielsen, M. S., Larsen, K. E., Mogensen, P., Sørensen, J. C. H., Bendixen, C., Jensen, P. H. & Bjarkam, C. R. (2010).
Direct viral mediated gene transfer in substantia nigra of the Göttingen minipig induced by MRI-guided stereotaxic microinjections of lentiviral vectors encoding alpha synuclein controlled bý gait analysis. Poster session præsenteret på 62nd Annual Congress of the Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society.
Studer, B., Asp, T., Thorogood, D., Barth, S., Armstead, I., Yang, B. & Lübberstedt, T. (2010).
Map-based cloning of the Z self incompatibility locus in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) . I
The 6th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf, MBFT 2010 (s. 35). EDICIONES INTA.
Shaik, S. S., Svensson, J. T.
, Carciofi, M., Hebelstrup, K. H., Sørensen, J. L., Giese, H., Holm, P. B. & Blennow, A. (2010).
The Safe Feed Grain Project: A Novel Starch Composition to Reduce Mycotoxin in Grain. I
Plant Biotech Denmark Annual Meeting 2010. Abstract Book (s. 47)
Røntved, C. M., Sørensen, P., Vilkki, J.
, Sahana, G., Sørensen, L. P., Bjerring, M., Thomasen, J. R., Ingvartsen, K. L. & Lund, M. S. (2010).
Bacteriological and clinical responsiveness to Escherichia coli-induced mastitis in dairy cows carrying haplotypes asscociated with high or low resistance to E. coli mastitis. I JE. Hillerton (red.),
Mastitis Research into Practice: Proceedings of the 5th IDF Mastitis Conference (s. 658-658). VetLearn.
Røntved, C. M., Sørensen, P., Vilkki, J.
, Sahana, G., Sørensen, L. P., Bjerring, M., Thomasen, J. R., Ingvartsen, K. L. & Lund, M. S. (2010).
High and low QTL Resistance to E.coli Mastitis - Focusing on the bacteriological and inflammatory responsiveness to Escherichia coli induced mastitis in Danish dairy cows carrying haplotypes associated with high or low resistance to E.coli mastitis. I
DKF Årsmøde - publiceret online
Rius-Vilarrasa, E.
, Brøndum, R. F., Strandén, I.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Strandberg, E.
, Lund, M. S. & Fikse, W. F. (2010).
Bayesian Models for Prediction Genomic Breeding Values in a Swedish-Finnish Red Breed Cattle Population. I
Abstracts (s. 18). Gesellschaft für Tierzuchtwissenschaften e. V..
Panitz, F., Hedegaard, J., Borkhardt, B., Ulvskov, P.
, Asp, T. & Bendixen, C. (2010).
Genome sequencing of algae and grass: Initial results from the de-novo assembly of Penium Margaritaceum and Lolium Perenne. I
Genome Informatics (s. 85-85). Wellcome Trust.
Nielsen, M., Hedegaard, J., Skovgaard, K., Heegaard, P. M.
, Bendixen, C. & Thomsen, B. (2010).
Expression profiling of mRNA and microRNA in pigs infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. I
Programme and Astracht Book