Kadri, N. K., Sahana, G., Charlier, C., Iso-Touru, T.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Karim, L., Nielsen, U. S.
, Panitz, F., Pedersen, G. A., Schulmann, N., Georges, M., Vilkki, J.
, Lund, M. S. & Druet, T. (2014).
A 660-Kb Deletion with Antagonistic Effects on Fertility and Milk Production Segregates at High Frequency in Nordic Red Cattle: Additional Evidence for the Common Occurrence of Balancing Selection in Livestock. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
van den Berg, I., Guldbrandtsen, B., Hozé, C.
, Brøndum, R. F., Boichard, D. A.
& Lund, M. S. (2014).
Across Breed QTL Detection and Genomic Prediction in French and Danish Dairy Cattle Breeds. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
van den Berg, I., Guldbrandtsen, B., Hozé, C.
, Brøndum, R. F., Boichard, D. A.
& Lund, M. S. (2014).
Across Breed QTL Detection and Genomic Prediction in French and Danish Dairy Cattle Breeds. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Ma, P., Lund, M. S., Nielsen, U. S., Pedersen, G. A.
, Sørensen, A. C. & Su, G. (2014).
Bias of genetic trend of genomic predictions based on both real dairy cattle and simulated data. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Ma, P., Lund, M. S., Nielsen, U. S., Pedersen, G. A.
, Sørensen, A. C. & Su, G. (2014).
Bias of genetic trend of genomic predictions based on both real dairy cattle and simulated data. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Oddy, V. H., de Haas, Y., Basarab, J., Cammack, K., Hayes, B., Hegarty, R. S.
, Lassen, J., McEwan, J. C., Miller, S., Pinares-Patino, C. S., Shackell, G. & Vercoe, P. (2014).
Breeding Ruminants that Emit Less Methane – The Role of International Collaboration. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Mao, X., Kadri, N. K., de Koning, D.
, Sahana, G. & Guldbrandtsen, B. (2014).
CEACAM18 as candidate for the Holstein calving QTL on BTA18. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Kargo, M., Ettema, J. F., Sørensen, L. H., Fjordside, M. & Hjortø, L. (2014).
Combi-Cross – The Use of New Technologies for Improving Dairy Crossbreeding Programs. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Kargo, M., Ettema, J. F., Sørensen, L. H., Fjordside, M. & Hjortø, L. (2014).
Combi-Cross – The Use of New Technologies for Improving Dairy Crossbreeding Programs. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Poulsen, N. A., Eskildsen, C. E. A., Skov, T.
, Larsen, L. B. & Buitenhuis, A. J. (2014).
Comparison of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Fatty Acids from Gas Chromatography and FT-IR in Holsteins. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Poulsen, N. A., Eskildsen, C. E. A., Skov, T.
, Larsen, L. B. & Buitenhuis, A. J. (2014).
Comparison of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Fatty Acids from Gas Chromatography and FT-IR in Holsteins. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Strathe, A. B., Mark, T., Nielsen, B., Do, D. N., Kadarmideen, H. N.
& Jensen, J. (2014).
Deriving Genomic Breeding Values for Residual Feed Intake from Covariance Functions of Random Regression Models. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Madsen, P., Jensen, J., Labouriau, R., Christensen, O. F. & Sahana, G. (2014).
DMU - A Package for Analyzing Multivariate Mixed Models in quantitative Genetics and Genomics. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Madsen, P., Jensen, J., Labouriau, R., Christensen, O. F. & Sahana, G. (2014).
DMU - A Package for Analyzing Multivariate Mixed Models in quantitative Genetics and Genomics. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Ismael, A. I. S., Kargo, M., Fogh, A., Strandberg, E.
& Løvendahl, P. (2014).
Estrus Traits Derived from Activity Measurements are Heritable and Closely Related to Conventional. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Ismael, A. I. S., Kargo, M., Fogh, A., Strandberg, E.
& Løvendahl, P. (2014).
Estrus Traits Derived from Activity Measurements are Heritable and Closely Related to Conventional. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Morgante, F., Sorensen, D. A., Sørensen, P., Maltecca, C. & Mackay, T. F. C. (2014).
Genetic Analysis of Micro-environmental Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Morgante, F., Sorensen, D. A., Sørensen, P., Maltecca, C. & Mackay, T. F. C. (2014).
Genetic Analysis of Micro-environmental Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Alemu, S. W., Berg, P., Janss, L., Møller, S. H. & Bijma, P. (2014).
Genetic and non-genetic indirect effects for bite mark traits in group housed mink. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Sahana, G., Janss, L., Guldbrandtsen, B. & Lund, M. S. (2014).
Genetic Architecture of Milk, Fat, Protein, Mastitis and Fertility Studied using NGS Data in Holstein Cattle. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Li, B., Løvendahl, P., Fikse, W. F.
, Lassen, J., Patel, M. & Berglund, B. (2014).
Genetic Parameters for Dry Matter Intake at Different Lactation Stages among Primiparous Holstein, Jersey and Red Cows. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Hayes, B. J., MacLeod, I. M., Daetwyler, H. D., Phil, B. J., Chamberlain, A. J., Vander Jagt, C., Capitan, A., Pausch, H., Stothard, P., Liao, X., Schrooten, C., Mullaart, E., Fries, R.
, Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S., Boichard, D. A., Veerkamp, R. F., VanTassell, C. P., Gredler, B. ... Goddard, M. E. (2014).
Genomic Prediction from Whole Genome Sequence in Livestock: The 1000 Bull Genomes Project. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Brøndum, R. F., Su, G., Janss, L., Sahana, G. & Lund, M. S. (2014).
Genomic prediction using QTL derived from whole genome sequence data. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Gregersen, V. R., Bertelsen, H. P., Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B., Gustavsson, F., Glantz, M., Paulsson, M.
, Buitenhuis, A. J. & Bendixen, C. (2014).
Genomic Regions Affecting Cheese Making Properties Identified in Danish Holsteins. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Gregersen, V. R., Bertelsen, H. P., Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B., Gustavsson, F., Glantz, M., Paulsson, M.
, Buitenhuis, A. J. & Bendixen, C. (2014).
Genomic Regions Affecting Cheese Making Properties Identified in Danish Holsteins. Abstract fra 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Castro Dias Cuyabano, B., Lund, M. S., Rosa, G. J. M., Gianola, D.
& Su, G. (2014).
Haplotype Based Genome-Enabled Prediction of Traits Across Nordic Red Cattle Breeds. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Wu, X., Lund, M. S., Sun, D., Zhang, Q.
& Su, G. (2014).
Impact of Relationships between Test and Reference Animals and between Reference Animals on Reliability of Genomic Prediction. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Wu, X., Lund, M. S., Sun, D., Zhang, Q.
& Su, G. (2014).
Impact of Relationships between Test and Reference Animals and between Reference Animals on Reliability of Genomic Prediction. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Guo, X., Christensen, O. F., Ostersen, T.
, Sorensen, D. A., Wang, Y.
, Lund, M. S. & Su, G. (2014).
Improving Genetic Evaluation of Litter Size Using a Single-step Model. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Su, G., Nielsen, U. S., Wiggans, G., Pedersen Aamand, G.
, Guldbrandtsen, B. & Lund, M. S. (2014).
Improving genomic prediction for Danish Jersey using a joint Danish-US reference population. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Rovere, G. A., Madsen, P., Norberg, E., Arendonk, J. A. M. & Ducro, B. J. (2014).
Influence Of Specialisation On Connectedness And Genetic Parameters In Dutch Warmblood Riding. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Welderufael, B. G., de Koning, D. J.
, Janss, L., Franzén, J. & Fikse, W. F. (2014).
Longitudinal Analysis of Somatic Cell Count for Joint Genetic Evaluation of Mastitis and Recovery Liability. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Henryon, M., Ostersen, T., Ask, B.
, Sørensen, A. C. & Berg, P. (2014).
Most of the Long-Term Genetic Gains from Optimum-Contribution Selection can be Realised with Restrictions Imposed. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Østergaard, S., Ettema, J. F., Hjortø, L., Pedersen, J.
& Kargo, M. (2014).
Multiple Regression and Mediator Variables can be used to Avoid Double Counting when Economic Values are Derived using Stochastic Herd Simulation. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Gao, H., Madsen, P., Pösö, J., Pedersen, J., Lidauer, M. H.
& Jensen, J. (2014).
Multivariate Outlier Detection in Genetic Evaluation in Nordic Jersey Cattle. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Gao, H., Madsen, P., Pösö, J., Pedersen, J., Lidauer, M. H.
& Jensen, J. (2014).
Multivariate Outlier Detection in Genetic Evaluation in Nordic Jersey Cattle. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Hamzic, E., Bed'Hom, B., Juin, H., Hawken, R., Abrahamsen, M. S., Elsen, J.-M., Servin, B., Pinard-van der Laan, M.-H. & Demeure, O. (2014).
Plasma Components as Traits for Resistance to Coccidiosis in Chicken. I
Proceeding of 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Lifestock Production
Lassen, J., Garnsworthy, P. C., Chagunda, M. G., Negussie, E.
, Løvendahl, P. & de Haas, Y. (2014).
Progress with Genetic Selection for Low Methane Traits in Dairy Cows. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Zhang, Q., Guldbrandtsen, B., Bosse, M.
, Lund, M. S. & Sahana, G. (2014).
Runs of homozygosity and distribution of functional variants in cattle genome. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Sarup, P. M., Jensen, J., Edwards, S. M., Ostersen, T.
, Sørensen, P. & Henryon, M. A. (2014).
Separating Signal from Noise Estimating SNP-effects and Decomposing Genetic Variation to the Level of QTLs in Pure Breed Duroc Pigs. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Lopes, M. S., Bastiaansen, J. W. M.
, Janss, L., Bovenhuis, H. & Knol, E. F. (2014).
Using SNP markers to estimate additive, dominance and imprinting genetic variance. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Lassen, J., Løvendahl, P., Kristensen, L., Zhu, Z., Højbjerg, O., Poulsen, M. & Noel, S. J. (2014).
Variation among Dairy Cows in Rumen Liquid Fermentation Characteristics. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Zhu, Z., Kristensen, L., Højbjerg, O., Poulsen, M., Lassen, J., Noel, S. J. & Løvendahl, P. (2014).
Variation among Dairy Cows in Rumen Liquid Fermentation Characteristics. Poster session præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
de los Campos, G.
, Sorensen, D. & Gianola, D. (2014).
What is it?. Afhandling præsenteret på 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Poulsen, N. A., Eskildsen, C. E., Skov, T.
, Larsen, L. B. & Buitenhuis, A. J. (2014).
Comparison of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Fatty Acids from Gas Chromatography and FT-IR in Holsteins. Abstract fra 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Nielsen, V. H., Mayntz, D., Sørensen, A., Jensen, S. K., Damgaard, B. M. & Møller, S. H. (2014).
Dissected fat deposits for evaluation of total body fat percent in mink.
EAAP Book of Abstracts,
20, 290-290.
Kadri, N. K.
, Sahana, G., Guldbrandtsen, B., Lund, M. S. & Druet, T. (2014).
Efficiency of haplotype-based methods to fine-map QTLs and embryonic lethals variants affecting fertility: illustration with a deletion segregating in Nordic Red cattle Corresponding.
Livestock Science,
166, 167-175.
Li, X., Buitenhuis, A. J., Li, C., Sun, D., Zhang, Q.
, Lund, M. S. & Su, G. (2014).
Genome-wide association of milk fatty acids in Chinese and Danish Holstein populations. Poster session præsenteret på 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation for Animal Science (EAAP). August 25-29 2014. Copenhagen, Denmark, Danmark.
Lund, M. S., Su, G., Janss, L., Guldbrandtsen, B. & Brøndum, R. F. (2014).
Genomic evaluation of cattle in a multi-breed context.
Livestock Science,
166, 101-110.
Vestergaard, M., Camakci, C., Kristensen, T., Jørgensen, K. F.
& Kargo, M. (2014).
Growth and carcass quality of grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers. Poster session præsenteret på 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation for Animal Science (EAAP). August 25-29 2014. Copenhagen, Denmark, Danmark.
Vestergaard, M., Camakci, C., Kristensen, T., Jørgensen, K. F.
, Therkildsen, M. & Kargo, M. (2014).
Growth and carcass quality of grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers.
EAAP Book of Abstracts,
20, 264-264.
Paslawski, W., Mysling, S.
, Thomsen, K., Jørgensen, T. J. D.
& Otzen, D. (2014).
Co-existence of Two Different α-Synuclein Oligomers with Different Core Structures Determined by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
53(29), 7560-7563.
Daetwyler, H. D., Capitan, A., Pausch, H., Stothard, P., van Binsbergen, R.
, Brøndum, R. F., Liao, X., Djari, A., Rodriguez, S. C., Grohs, C., Jung, S., Esquerré, D., Bouchez, O., Gollnick, N. S., Rossignol, M.-N., Klopp, C., Rocha, D., Fritz, S., Eggen, A. ... Hayes, B. J. (2014).
Whole-genome sequencing of 234 bulls facilitates mapping of monogenic and complex traits in cattle.
Nature Genetics,
46(8), 858 - 865.
Zhou, L., Heringstad, B.
, Su, G., Guldbrandtsen, B., Meuwissen, T. H. E., Svendsen, M., Grove, H., Nielsen, U. S.
& Lund, M. S. (2014).
Genomic predictions based on a joint reference population for the Nordic Red cattle breeds.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(7), 4485-4496.
Norberg, E., Madsen, P., Su, G., Pryce, J. E.
, Jensen, J. & Kargo, M. (2014).
Short communication: Heterosis by environment and genotype by environment interactions for protein yield in Danish Jerseys.
Journal of Dairy Science,
97(7), 4557-4561.
Zhu, Z., Kristensen, L., Poulsen, M., Lassen, J., Noel, S. J., Højberg, O. & Løvendahl, P. (2014).
Dairy cow rumen fermentation characteristics at the onset of lactation. Poster session præsenteret på Rowett-INRA 2014. Gut Microbiology: from Sequence to Function, Aberdeen, Storbritannien.
Kjærup, R. M., Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2014).
Different serum levels of mannose-binding lectin influence the immune responses in chickens after infectious bronchitis infection. Abstract fra 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AVIAN CORONA- AND PNEUMOVIRUSES AND COMPLICATING PATHOGENS, Rauischholzhausen, Tyskland.