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Amir Aliakbari is PhD student from Iran, and will be collaborating with Pernille Sarup and Just Jensen the coming year.
Iben Alber Christiansen will be collaborating with senior advisor Morten Kargo on the GxE project.
Senior advisor Morten Kargo from QGG has been interviewed for the Danish radio programme 'Videnskabens Verden' ('The World of Science') on DR1
Senior advisor Morten Kargo (with Julie Clasen in a cameo) from QGG has been on Danish local television in a news report regarding cross-breeding in…
Meet Lu Cao, who just started on her PhD project at QGG.
Daniel Gordo has just arrived to start his 2 year postdoc position at QGG
The best properties from three well-known grasses will be united in new grass varieties. With significantly enhanced performance and high robustness,…
Minhui Chen is returning to QGG for a one year postdoc project
Meet Sayed Hosseini, who is visiting QGG as PhD Student
Tina Vammen is the new department secretary for MBG at Foulum
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On Friday 8 November, PhD student at Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) and MBG-QGG Foulum, Thinh Tuan Chu, is defending his PhD thesis…
On Thursday 7 November, PhD student at the Institute for Animal Science and MBG-QGG Foulum, Dana Olijhoek, is defending her PhD thesis entitled…
The ATF seminar would like to engage discussion with farmers, industries, scientists, policy makers and with the society. It is a follow up of the…
Luc Janss, PhD and senior researcher at QGG, is giving a talk at MBG at campus Aarhus.
The Congress focuses on professional progress, future possibilities for development and current recommendations for the pig producers.
On Tuesday 17 September, PhD student at MBG-QGG Foulum and INRA AgroParisTech, Md Mesbah Uddin, is defending his PhD thesis entitled 'Identification…
Every five years, the ISRP provides a great opportunity to present the state-of-the-art thinking and practice in ruminant physiology to an…
The 70th Annual Meeting of EAAP takes place from 26 August to 30 August 2019 in the city of Ghent, Belgium.
5th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference 2019
The 2019 meeting af of the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio (USA).
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