New visiting PhD Student - portrait
Meet Sayed Hosseini, who is visiting QGG as PhD Student

What is your area of research and what will you be doing here?
My area of research is genomic prediction in livestock, particularly cattle. I will do genomic prediction in admixture population here.
Where have you worked before?
I am working in genomic prediction on some Iranian native cattle at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Please tell us a bit about yourself, your family and where you come from. Do you have a hobby?
I come from Mashhad, Iran. I am a PhD student now at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Sports, reading and movies are some of my hobbies.
Why did you choose to come to Denmark and work at QGG?
QGG and its research is according well with my research field. In addition, QGG have good researchers.
Sayed Hosseini's QGG supervisor is Mohammad Shariati. Sayed will be in office K23/3013.