van den Berg, I., Bowman, P.J., MacLeod, I.M., Hayes, B.J., Wang, T., Bolormaa, S., Goddard, M.E. 2017. Multi-breed genomic prediction using Bayes R with sequence data and dropping variants with a small effect. Genetic Selection Evolution 49:70.
van den Berg, I., MacLeod, I.M., Bowman, P.J., Wang, T., Goddard, M.E. 2017. Strategies to use whole genome sequence data for genomic prediction in dairy cattle. 22nd AAABG conference, Townsville, Australia.
van den Berg, I., Meuwissen, T.H.E., Macleod, I.M., Goddard, M.E. 2017. Predicting the effect of reference population on the accuracy of across and multi breed genomic prediction. 5th Annual GenSAP Meeting, Billund, Denmark. 15 – 16 November.
van den Berg, I., Hayes, B.J., Goddard, M.E. 2017. Using expression data to detect small QTL in dairy cattle. 5th Annual GenSAP Meeting, Billund, Denmark. 15 – 16 November.