Aarhus University Seal

Breeding plan team


The animal genetics section members of the breeding plans in animals research team focus on the optimization of breeding plans for production animals. We improve animal breeding plans by varying selection strategies and breeding goals, studying the effect of genotype by environment interaction for different environments, and developing software to simulate the effect of different breeding program decisions. The improvement of genetic gain while limiting inbreeding is hereby essential. In addition, we look at collaboration between populations and optimization of crossbreeding strategies.



Primary Research Areas 

Breeding programs | Breeding goals | Software development | Breeding strategies | Genotype by environment interaction | Inbreeding | Genetic gain | Crossbreeding

Group Leaders 

Margot Slagboom

Current projects

DairycrossØ-KO-AVLWelBredPOrg, Selras, FutureBeefCross, Krydsningsopfølgning