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Aarhus University Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO) is hosting this open national workshop on insects. The motivation for this interdisciplinary…
Come join our annual breeding network meeting on 2 November at Aarhus University!
If you wish to present a poster, you can sign up for the poster…
Titlen på Saija Riitta Tenhunens midtvejseksamen er 'Balancing genetic gain and diversity in dairy cattle breeding schemes in the genomics era'
The organizers are delighted to call for the annual meeting, which will take place on 7-8 September. The conference is an excellent platform to…
Joint International Congress on Animal Science co-organised by the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), the World Association for Animal…
The 39th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in July 2-7, 2023. It will be an excellent…
Titlen på Natasha Holland Johansens midtvejseksamen er The consistency of genomic prediction models across environments and populations.
Nu slår AU Viborg dørene op for forskning i hvordan landbruget kan sikre fremtidens fødevarer - kom med til åbent hus
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