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Titlen på Behrooz Vahedi Torghabehs midtvejseksamen er 'Quantitative Methods and Machine Learning Models for Variant Effect Prediction in Temperate…
ICQG7 will bring together researchers with a focus on theory and methodological development. We aim to represent the full range of applications of…
Attending ADSA’s conference gives you face-to-face, personal access to cutting-edge dairy science and the people behind the breakthroughs. From…
This year our annual meetings are taking place from Tuesday, 12th June 2024 to Wednesday, 13th June 2024 in Bologna, Italy.
We are looking forward to welcoming the global root research community for ISRR 12 in Leipzig, Germany. The meeting will foster the exchange and…
Plant2Food, AgriFoodTure, Plant-based Food Grant (Plantefonden) and GUDP - Grønt Udviklings- & Demonstrationsprogram join forces. Don’t miss out on…
Titlen på Huicong Zhangs midtvejseksamen er 'Cattle Genotype Tissue expression (GTEx): understanding regulatory mechanisms behind complex traits in…
Titlen på Houcheng Lis midtvejseksamen er 'Farm Animal Cell Atlas (FarmCA): exploiting regulatory variants and GWAS loci at single cellular level'
The BovReg final conference will be held in Brussels at the University Foundation on the 14 and 15 February 2024.
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