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Zhou, L., Ding, X., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y.
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Thirstrup, J. P., Anistoroaei, R. M.
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Identifying QTL for fur quality traits in mink (Neovison vison). I P. F. Larsen, S. H. Møller, T. Clausen, A. S. Hammer, T. M. Lássen, V. H. Nielsen, A.-H. Tauson, L. L. Jeppesen, S. W. Hansen, J. Elnif & J. Malmkvist (red.),
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Pitkänen, T., Mäntysaari, E. A., Nielsen, U. S., Aamand, G. P.
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Jiang, L., Janss, L., Høj-Edwards, S. M., Skarman, A., Thomsen, B. & Sørensen, P. (2012).
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Hayes, B., Anderson, C., Daetwyler, H., Fries, R.
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Su, G., Brøndum, R. F., Ma, P., Guldbrandtsen, B., Aamand, G. P.
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Pedersen, L. D., Kargo, M., Berg, P., Voergaard, J.
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