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Jiang, L., Edwards, S. M., Thomsen, B., Workman, C. T.
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Ma, P., Lund, M. S., Nielsen, U. S., Pedersen, G. A.
, Sørensen, A. C. & Su, G. (2014).
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Kjærup, R. M., Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Hamzic, E., Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2014).
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Kargo, M., Ettema, J. F., Sørensen, L. H., Fjordside, M. & Hjortø, L. (2014).
Combi-Cross – The Use of New Technologies for Improving Dairy Crossbreeding Programs. Paper presented at 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
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Poulsen, N. A., Eskildsen, C. E. A., Skov, T.
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Poulsen, N. A., Eskildsen, C. E., Skov, T.
, Larsen, L. B. & Buitenhuis, A. J. (2014).
Comparison of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Fatty Acids from Gas Chromatography and FT-IR in Holsteins. Abstract from 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
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Genetics Selection Evolution,
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Zhu, Z., Kristensen, L., Poulsen, M., Lassen, J., Noel, S. J., Højberg, O. & Løvendahl, P. (2014).
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Strathe, A. B., Mark, T., Nielsen, B., Do, D. N., Kadarmideen, H. N.
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Organic Agriculture,
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Kjærup, R. M., Dalgaard, T. S., Norup, L. R., Sørensen, P. & Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2014).
Different serum levels of mannose-binding lectin influence the immune responses in chickens after infectious bronchitis infection. Abstract from 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AVIAN CORONA- AND PNEUMOVIRUSES AND COMPLICATING PATHOGENS, Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
Nielsen, V. H., Mayntz, D., Sørensen, A., Jensen, S. K., Damgaard, B. M. & Møller, S. H. (2014).
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Madsen, P., Jensen, J., Labouriau, R., Christensen, O. F. & Sahana, G. (2014).
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Madsen, P., Jensen, J., Labouriau, R., Christensen, O. F. & Sahana, G. (2014).
DMU - A Package for Analyzing Multivariate Mixed Models in quantitative Genetics and Genomics. Paper presented at 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Vancouver, Canada.
Kargo, M., Hjortø, L., Toivonen, M., Eriksson, J. A., Aamand, G. P. & Pedersen, J. (2014).
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Gustavsson, F.
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Lin, L., Luo, Y., Sørensen, P., Prætorius, H., Vajta, G., Callesen, H., Pribenszky, C.
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Kadri, N. K.
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Schrooten, C., Dassonneville, R., Ducrocq, V.
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Genetics Selection Evolution,
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