Aarhus University Seal


Center for Genomic Selection in Animals and Plants

GenSAP develops GS methodology for the management, integration, and extraction of relevant information from the massive amounts of data emerging from whole genome sequencing, functional genomics, epigenomics, and complex phenotyping technologies. In addition, GenSAP generates advanced computational tools for optimising and evaluating selection decisions based on in silico data.

In this way, GenSAP is building decision tools that ensure long-term sustainable implementation of GS. Consequently, next generation genomic selection tools will be efficient across species and environments, and will be both economically and genetically sustainable. GenSAP hopes to contribute to the foundation of a globally competitive and sustainable food production.

The strategic research centre GenSAP has gathered all relevant Danish breeding companies and research groups as well as world-leading international researchers to build the foundation for next generation genomic selection tools for genetic improvement schemes in agricultural plants and animals.

GenSAP develops GS methodology for the management, integration, and extraction of relevant information from the massive amounts of data emerging from whole genome sequencing, functional genomics, epigenomics, and complex phenotyping technologies. In addition, GenSAP generates advanced computational tools for optimising and evaluating selection decisions based on in silico data.

In this way, GenSAP is building decision tools that ensure long-term sustainable implementation of GS. Consequently, next generation genomic selection tools will be efficient across species and environments, and will be both economically and genetically sustainable. GenSAP hopes to contribute to the foundation of a globally competitive and sustainable food production.

The strategic research centre GenSAP has gathered all relevant Danish breeding companies and research groups as well as world-leading international researchers to build the foundation for next generation genomic selection tools for genetic improvement schemes in agricultural plants and animals.

GenSAP brings together the relevant scientific actors (dark blue boxes), industrial partners/species (green boxes), and scientific disciplines (light blue boxes) to develop the next generation genomic breeding tools for agricultural genetic improvement schemes.

GenSAP brings together the relevant scientific actors (dark blue boxes), industrial partners/species (green boxes), and scientific disciplines (light blue boxes) to develop the next generation genomic breeding tools for agricultural genetic improvement schemes.

The Innovation Fund Denmark finances the center with DKK 30.6 mill. out of a total budget of DKK 68.7 mill. over six years (2013-2018).

The Innovation Fund Denmark finances the center with DKK 30.6 mill. out of a total budget of DKK 68.7 mill. over six years (2013-2018).