New department secretary - portrait
Meet Birgit Aagaard Fisker, new MBG secretary in Foulum

Where did you work before?
My last two positions have been in private companies, where I worked with marketing, web pages and languages. As some already noticed, I was earlier employed as secretary here in Foulum for a number of years, and I am happy to be back after having been away for 10 years.
Please tell us a bit about yourself, your family, and where you come from?
I grew up at the manor Frisenvold, which is located close to the town of Langå (near Randers). I have a degree in business language (English and German) from the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences. My husband and I live in Vorning, and we have three children. So far they have given us six lovely grand-children.
Do you have a hobby?
I like litterature and music. In my spare time I read quite a lot, and I also like to go to concerts. I also like to follow everything that happens around us, politically and in the society. On top of that, gardening and do-it-yourself projects such as painting the walls etc is pure relaxation for me. A couple of years ago I took up bee-keeping, but is has been tricky because the bee population died two winters in a row. I hope to find the enthusiasm to get started again next year. Exercise is a must, so I pay LOOP circle training a regular visit, and the dog and I think that the daily walks are really "hyggelige".