Aarhus Universitets segl

Statistical models for genomic prediction in animals and plants

MSc / PhD summer course, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Oplysninger om arrangementet


mandag 26. juni 2017, kl. 08:00 - fredag 30. juni 2017, kl. 16:00


Asmildkloster Landbrugsskole, Viborg


Luc Janss (AU)
Foto: Søren Kjeldgaard

The course focuses on the quantitative genetics and statistical background of different genomic prediction models, also covering estimation of variance components, theory on genomic heritabilities, Bayesian statistics, estimation of hyper parameters in Bayesian models, multi-trait models and simple genomic feature models. Use of all models will be trained in computer practicals with the objective that students obtain an understanding of the statistical principles of the different models, and will be able to analyze data and critically assess the results from different statistical approaches.

Teachers: Luc Janss (AU), Theo Meuwissen (NMBU)

ECTS:  MSc course 5 , PhD course 3

Here you can read the full course description.

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