Design of Genetic Improvement Programs
MSc / PhD summer course, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Asmildkloster Landbrugsskole, Viborg

The course is aimed at tackling problems from practical modern genetic improvement of agricultural livestock and crops. Through the course you acquire theoretical insight into the general design of genetic improvement programs as well as experience from practical examples. Recently developed methods, including the use of genomic data, are considered, and their role in designing genetic improvement programs is evaluated. The objective is that the students will be able to design genetic improvement programs for simple situations.
Course organizer: Elise Norberg (AU)
Location: Asmildkloster Landbrugsskole, Viborg (close to Foulum Research Center), Denmark
Date: 19 - 23 June 2017
Teachers: Christian Sørensen (AU), Theo Meuwissen (NMBU)
ECTS: MSc course 5, PhD course 3
Registration is open HERE