Andersen, J. R., Asp, T., Lu, Y. C., Kloiber-Maitz, M., Ouzonova, M. & Luebberstedt, T. (2009).
Development and mapping of gene-tagged SNP markers in laccases of maize (Zea mays L.).
Plant Breeding,
128(4), 423-425.
Zhang, X., Wollenweber, B., Jiang, D., Liu, F. & Zhao, J. (2008).
Water deficits and heat shock effects on photosynthesis of a transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana constitutively expressing ABP9, a bZIP transcription factor. Poster session præsenteret på 9th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress NPC-9, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Zambonelli, P., Davoli, R., Fontanesi, L., Stella, A.
, Hedegaard, J., Hornshøj, H., Nanni Costa, L. & Russo, V. (2008).
Gene expression studies to identify skeletal muscle genes related to stress in pigs. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Vingborg, R., Gregersen, V. R., Høj, A., Panitz, F., Zhan, B., Hornshøj, H., Sørensen, K. K. & Bendixen, C. (2008).
Whole porcine genome linkage map based on the 7K porcine SNP chip. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Petersen, B. L., Arigi, E. A.
, Damager, I., Kieliszewski, M., Ishii, T., Levery, S. B.
, Yang, Z., Bennett, P. E., Clausen, H.
, Jørgensen, B. & Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Glycosyltransferases of Clade A in CAZy family GT77. Poster session præsenteret på Third Conference on Biosynthesis of Plant Cell Walls, Pacific Grove, USA.
Labouriau, R., Abreu, G., Hedegaard, J., Kjaer, J. B.
& Buitenhuis, A. J. (2008).
Searching for genes involving in feather pecking behaviour in laying hens. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Jørgensen, B., Kreutzmann, S., Øgendal, L.
, Damager, I., Harholt, J.
, Thybo, A. K. & Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Comparison of pectin in different potato cultivars: Poster 10. Poster session præsenteret på Pectins and Pectinases, Wageningen, Holland.
Jørgensen, B., Harholt, J., Lange, N. K., Øgendal, L. H., Sørensen, S. O., Rolin, C., Engelsen, S., Chrestensen, I. B.
, Damager, I., Scheller, H. V., Bandsholm, O.
& Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Fra kartoffel til yoghurt. Poster session præsenteret på Åbent hus i Væksthusene 2008 - kom foråret og forskningen i møde, København, Danmark.
Jørgensen, H. B. H., Sørensen, P., Cooper, G. A., Lorenzen, E., Lorenzen, N.
, Hansen, M. H. H., Koop, B. F.
& Henryon, M. (2008).
Gene expression profiles differ between families of rainbow trout following a viral infection. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Hornshøj, H., Panitz, F., Andersen, P. K., Conley, L., Hedegaard, J.
, Bendixen, E. & Bendixen, C. (2008).
Comparing 454-sequencing expression ratios to cDNA microarray and iTRAQ-based proteomics platforms. Poster session præsenteret på 2nd EMEA Genome Sequencer FLX User Conference, Reykjavik, Island.
Hedegaard, J., Hornshøj, H., Conley, L. N., Panitz, F. & Bendixen, C. (2008).
Design, production and usage of a 25K porcine long-oligonucleotide DNA microarray. Poster session præsenteret på International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics (ISAFG) - ARK-Genomics Conference, Edinburgh.
Harholt, J.
, Jørgensen, B., Chrestensen, I. B.
, Damager, I., Sørensen, S. O., Rodin, C., Lange, N. K.
, Ulvskov, P. & Scheller, H. V. (2008).
Large scale extraction of RG-I from potato and investigation into its structure and industrial function. Poster session præsenteret på Third Conference on Biosynthesis of Plant Cell Walls, Pacific Grove, USA.
Gregersen, V. R., Panitz, F., Vingborg, R., Sørensen, K. K., Stengaard, H., Zhan, B., Høj, A., Grindflek, E., Moe, M., Lien, S., Archibald, A., Hastings, N., Humphrey, S., Rogers, J., Dunham, A.
& Bendixen, C. (2008).
Performance of a genome-wide 7K porcine SNP chip. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Fjellheim, S.
, Pedersen, A. J., Andersen, J. R., Antonius-Klemola, K., Bondo, L., Brantestam, A. K., Dafgård, L., Helgadottir, A., Isolahti, M.
, Jensen, L. B., Lübberstedt, T., Mannien, O., Marum, P., Merker, A., Tanuanpää, P., Weibull, J., Weibull, P. & Rognli, O. A. (2008).
Phenotypic and molecular characterization of genetic resources of Nordic timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Poster session præsenteret på Plant Biotech Denmark Annual Meeting 2008, København, Danmark.
Danielsen, M., Hornshøj, H., Purup, S., Kessel, A. G., Jensen, B. B.
, Bendixen, E. & Siggers, R. H. (2008).
Microbial impact on intestinal protein expression. Poster session præsenteret på SABRE Conference: Welfare and Quality Genomics, Foulum, Danmark.
Danielsen, M., Hornshøj, H., Purup, S., Kessel, A. G., Siggers, R. H.
, Jensen, B. B. & Bendixen, E. (2008).
Microbial impact on intestinal protein expression. Poster session præsenteret på 8th Siena meeting, Siena, Italien.
Danielsen, M., Bendixen, E., Codrea, M. C., Jensen, B., Rasmussen, L., Larsen, K., Bendixen, C., Stagsted, J., Sangild, P. T. & Kessel, A. (2008).
Pig as a model organism for human diseases. Poster session præsenteret på Hupo 2008, Amsterdam, Holland.
Danielsen, M., Hornshøj, H., Purup, S., Van Kessel, A. G., Siggers, R. H.
, Jensen, B. B. & Bendixen, E. (2008).
Proteome analysis of porcine intestinal tissue - the impact of colonisation. Poster session præsenteret på ASM Conferences, San Diego, USA.
Damager, I., Petersen, B. L., Borkhardt, B., Jørgensen, B. & Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Nanoteknologisk anvendelse af pektin: Overfladebehandling af implantater. Poster session præsenteret på Åbent hus i Væksthusene 2008 - kom foråret og forskningen i møde, København, Danmark.
Borkhardt, B., Bendixen, C., Panitz, F., Asp, T., Øbro, J.
, Jørgensen, B., Harholt, J.
& Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Transcriptional profiling of lupin during seed filling in an attempt to identify GTs with roles in pectic RG-I biosynthesis. Poster session præsenteret på Conference on Cell Wall Biosynthesis, Asilomar, California, USA.
Asp, T., Gundlach, H., Bruggmann, R., Mayer, K. F. X.
, Andersen, J. R., Xu, M. & Lübberstedt, T. (2008).
Comparative sequence analysis of VRN1 alleles of Lolium perenne with the colinear regions in barley, wheat, and rice. Poster session præsenteret på 7th Plant GEM Conference, Albena, Bulgarien.
Vingborg, R. K. K., Gregersen, V. R., Høj, A., Panitz, F., Zhan, B., Hornshøj, H., Sørensen, K. K. & Bendixen, C. (2008).
Whole Porcine genome linkage map based on the 7K porcine SNP Chip. I
Proceeding of ISAG 2008: Poster 2081
Thodberg, K., Jørgensen, E., Olsson, A. C.
, Houbak, B. & Pedersen, L. J. (2008).
The relationship between pre-pubertal inactivity and maternal activity in loose-housed sows. I L. Boyle, N. O'Connell & A. Hanlon (red.),
Proceedings of the 42nd Congress of the ISAE: Applied ethology. Addressing future challenges in animal agriculture (s. 79-79)
Studer, B., Asp, T., Frei, U., Jensen, L. B., Hentrup, S., Meally, H., Guillard, A., Barth, S., Muylle, H., Roldán-Ruiz, I., Barre, P., Skøt, K. P., Skøt, L., Turner, L. B., Humphreys, M. O., Koning-Boucoiran, C., Uenk-Stunnenberg, G., Dolstra, O., Kölliker, R.
... Lübberstedt, T. (2008).
Expressed sequence tag-derived microsatellite markers of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). I
Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants: Programme and Abstracts (s. 64)
Schulman, N. F.
, Sahana, G., Schnabel, R.
, Lund, M. S., Taylor, J. F. & Vilkki, J. H. (2008).
Mapping of fertility traits in Finnish Ayrshire using high-density SNP data. I
Proceeding of the 12 Quantitiative Trait Locus and Marker Assisted Selection Workshop (s. 13)
Schou, T. W.
, Labouriau, R., Permin, A., Christensen, J. P.
, Sørensen, P., Cu, H. P., Nguyen, V. K.
& Juul-Madsen, H. R. (2008).
The association of the MHC with disease resistance in experimental infections with salmonella enteritidis, pasteurella multocida or ascaridia galli. I
Conference proceedings of the 10th Avian Immunology Research Group Conference
Ramos, A. M., Amaral, A. J., Kerstens, H.
, Bendixen, C., Hedegaard, J., Rohrer, G., Schmidt, T., van Tassell, C., Taylor, J. F., Rothschild, M., Nonneman, D., Beever, J., Archibald, A. L., Schook, L. & Groenen, M. A. M. (2008).
High throughput SNP discovery and validation in the Pig: towards the development of a high denisty swine SNP chip. I
Proceeding of ISAG 2008: Poster 2234
Nielsen, S. L., Bång, H., Kotkas, K.
, Kristensen, K., Palohuhta, J. P., Rosenberg, V.
& Tolstrup, K. (2008).
Variation of Growth and Disease Characters between Clones of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). I S. Chiru, G. Olteanu, C. Aldea & C. Badarau (red.),
Annals of National Institute of Research and Development for Potato and Sugar Beet (INCDCSZ) Brasov, supplement 2008: Potato for a Changing World (s. 101-103)
Maxa, J., Sharifi, A. R.
, Norberg, E., Gauly, M., Simianer, H. & Pedersen, J. (2008).
Effects on survival at birth in meat sheep breeds. I
Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, EAAP (Bind 14, s. 186). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Maxa, J., Sharaifi, A. R.
, Norberg, E., Gauly, M., Simianer, H. & Pedersen, J. (2008).
Genetic parameters for survival at birth in meat sheep breeds. I
Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, EAAP (Bind 14, s. 110). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Jørgensen, H. B. H., Sørensen, P., Lorenzen, E., Cooper, G. A., Lorenzen, N.
, Hansen, M. H. H., Koop, B.
& Henryon, M. A. (2008).
Gene expression profiles differ between families of rainbow trout following a viral infection. I
Book of Abstracts of the Abildgaard symposium; Molecular techniques in Fish Health Research (s. 15). SCOFDA.
Jørgensen, H. B. H., Sørensen, P., Cooper, G. A., Lorenzen, E., Lorenzen, N.
, Hansen, M. H. H., Koop, B. F.
& Henryon, M. (2008).
Gene Expression Profiles Differ Between Families of Rainbow Trout Following a Viral Infection. I
Abstract Book of XX International Congress of Genetics (s. 301)