Aarhus University Seal

Cattle: Genomic prediction

The main research areas of the team:

  • Methods and models to increase accuracy and reduce bias of genomic prediction in cattle
  • Optimal use of various sources of information for genomic prediction (such as different types of marker data, sequence data, bioinformatics information, and information of correlated traits)
  • Genotype by environment interaction
  • Non-additive genetic effects
  • Tools of genomic prediction to be efficiently implemented in practical cattle breeding

Current projects of the team:

  • Improving genomic prediction using optimal multi-trait models (MultiGenomics)
  • Robust and efficient dairy cows (Reffico)
  • Genomics in herd
  • Center for genomic selection in plants and animals (GenSap)

Team coordinator

Guosheng Su

Senior Researcher Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
