Aarhus University Seal

Effective and novel service predicting the malting quality of barley

  • Funded by: Innovationsfonden
  • AU project leader: Professor Just Jensen, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
  • In collaboration with: Nordic Seed (www.nordicseed.com) and  iNANO at  Aarhus University
  • Project period: 01.10.2014 - 01.10.2018
  • Grant: DKK 2,534,080

Project description:

The project is supported by the Innovation Fund Denmark investment. The goal is to enable prediction of malting quality of barley and to predict performance of barley lines under different environmental conditions. Malting quality is very dependent on environmental conditions such as climate and soil. Therefore, the development of methods that can identify new barley lines that perform well under different environmental condition will be highly beneficial. The project is a cooperation between Nordic Seed, QGG and iNANO, Aarhus University. The goal will be reached by developing mathematical models based on genomic and metabolic information. These models shall be used to predict the malting quality in new upcoming barley lines. The three parties are contributing with their different expertise: Nordic Seed with state-of-art molecular laboratory, highly developed knowledge in the area of genomic breeding in cereals, and high quality yearly field trials. iNANO with a world-wide unique integrated instrumentation facility with state-of-the-art equipment for structural and biophysical characterization of biomolecules along within synthesis facilities for organic and protein chemistry. QGG with expertise in quantitative genetic methods and modelling in commercial breeding programs.