The SOBcows project in the media
Following the publication of the DCA-report on the fatty acid profile in milk from dairy cows, project leader Morten Kargo has been in the media to talk about the results of the report.
Among other media, Morten Kargo was interviewed by the regional public service radio channel DRP4 Østjylland on the 12 January. You can listen to the interview (in Danish) here: For 30 år siden drak vi Carlsberg og Tuborg...
More media coverage of the project:
DCA - Danish Centre For Food And Agriculture (article in Danish)
Norsk Landsbrugs online magasin (article in Norwegian) (article in Danish)
Maskinbladet (article in Danish)
You can read more about the SOBcows project HERE, and a (Danish) copy of the report can be downloaded HERE.