Special issue of Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics in honour of professor Daniel Gianola
In honour of professor Daniel Gianola of Wisconsin-Madison University and member of the GenSAP senior staff, the Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics has published a special issue to celebrate professor Gianola's 70th birthday. Professor at QGG, Daniel Sorensen, has contributed to the special issue.

With the honorary issue entitled Quantitative and statistical genetics, the journal is celebrating one of the pioneers of statistical genetics in animal breeding.
In their introduction, the editors H. Simianer, G.J.M. Rosa and A. Mäki-Tanila describes professor Gianola as being "among the first to introduce Bayesian concepts into quantitative genetics and animal breeding", and who, later on, again was among the first to apply Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms as a powerful tool in quantitative and and statistical genetics.
The articles are contributions from colleagues and friends, and the editors especially highlight the article by Daniel Sorensen and Gustavo de los Campos, in which they give a bird's eye (re)view of professor Gianola's lifelong contribution to the research field.
The Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics is celebrating professor Gianola's 70th birthday by making all articles in the special issue free for readers. You can find the editors' introduction HERE, and the overview of the articles to read and or download HERE.