Get the newest knowledge about plant and animal breeding at the breeding network meeting
Do you work with breeding? Then join the breeding network meeting at Aarhus University on 27 October, where researchers and companies in both plant and animal breeding present the latest knowledge and visions in the field.

Whether you are interested in plant or animal breeding, there is something for you on the program, when Aarhus University invites you to a breeding network meeting on 27 October.
Researchers from the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) will present the latest knowledge in the field, while companies will provide insight into their visions for the future, and there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss and create networks.
Kristian Meier from QGG is co-organizer of the breeding network meeting, which takes place on Høegh-Guldbergs Gade in Aarhus:
- With the breeding network meeting, we want to facilitate cooperation, also between the different branches within the breeding industry. At previous meetings, there has been great interest in learning from each other across plant and animal breeding, and this has been a source of inspiration for the participants, he says:
- We therefore expect to see many familiar faces on the networking day, just as we hope that several new ones also want to stop by. Among other things, we have started working with insect projects and projects within aquaculture, and this opens up a wealth of collaboration opportunities.
The breeding network meeting will be opened by keynote speaker Martin Scholten, who is both associated with Aarhus University and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, and who will talk about new perspectives in plant and animal breeding in a context of the green transition.
In continuation of this, DLF and Viking Genetics will present their visions in plant and cattle breeding. This is followed by a long series of presentations from QGG's own researchers on topics such as the exciting new epigenetics and artificial intelligence in phenotyping.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.
You can download the program here
Register here no later than 20 October
Further information
Kristian Meier,, +45 2091 3271