Aarhus University Seal

Biological consequences of selection

MSc / PhD summer course, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Info about event


Monday 21 August 2017, at 08:00 - Friday 25 August 2017, at 16:00
[Translate to English:] Foto: Søren Kjeldgaard (AU)

The objective of this course is to provide a platform for understanding the biological changes occurring when applying (artificial) selection. The student should be able to reflect on the consequences from a scientific point of view and understand the physiological changes taking place. The following topics will be covered: ethical aspects of animal breeding, growth and development, maternal effects, social effects and group selection, genetic variation of behavioral traits, GxE interactions, robustness, trade-offs, adaptive capacity, and modelling genetics of feed efficiency.

Course organizers: Elise Norberg (AU) (for the PhD course) and Roel Veerkamp (NMBU/WU) (for the MSc course)

Location: Hafjell Hotel, Norway

Date: 21 - 25 august 2017

Teachers: Elise Norberg (AU), Roel Veerkamp (NMBU/WU), Odd Vangen (NMBU), Lotta Rydhmer (SLU), Nicolas Friggens (AgroParisTech/INRA) 

ECTS:  MSc course 5, PhD course 3

Registration is open HERE