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Senior researcher at QGG, Peter Løvendahl, is the leading author of a scientific article which concludes that with the aid of low-cost, high-capacity…
Combing a cow’s own genetics with strategies that target changes in her rumen flora may be able to reduce methane emissions more effectively than by…
The research project DairyCross, which recently received a large grant from GUDP, has a clear objective of increasing the percentage of Danish…
A new research project will be studying the genetic basis of why individuals with the same diagnosis respond differently to the same medicine. The…
Sirous will be working with Goutam Sahana, and will be here for 1 year.
Mette Dam Madsen is employed as scientific assistant from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.
Egill's supervisor is associate professor Bernt Guldbrandtsen.
Batol is a visiting student from Iran, and will be here for a year. Her supervisor is Goutam Sahana.
Sharif is a Master student in animal breeding and genetics at the University of Copenhagen, and is doing his Master thesis project with us in QGG in…
Bjarke will be working together with senior researcher Ole Fredslund Christensen on the project 'Estimating genetic parameters for indirect genetic…
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A networking day between farming industries and Aarhus University, with a focus on innovation and green transition. The conference will be in Danish.
The title of Xiaoxing Ye's qualifying exam is Identification of microbial determinants of low and high methane emission in cows through…
The title of Rasmus Bak Stephansen's qualifying exam is Improvement of feed efficiency in dairy cattle through genomics and phenomics
The title of Naghmeh Saedi's qualifying exam is Modeling the direct and indirect effects of cow genome on methane production to breed for less…
The Danish cattle industry's largest professional event.
The Plant & Animal Genome Conference (PAG) is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant & animal genome projects.…
The annual Plant Congress is the meeting place for the newest knowledge in plant science. This year has a special focus on climate.
2-day course at NCRR on R packages bigsnpr and bigstatsr for performing statistical analyses of large SNP data
Welcome to the first Danish Data Science annual conference! Danish Data Science 2022 is a two-day conference with technical talks in the fields of…
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