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The European Mathematical Genetics Meeting 2021 will take place at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. This annual meeting offers an informal…
The network funded by NKJ will investigate how we can exploit new genomic and phenotyping technologies to identify more robust genotypes in key Nordic…
The title of the qualifying exam is Biology informed genomic selection for purebred and crossbred cattle.
Trans-European online seminar.
Science-based policy advice in agriculture, food, climate and environment
The title of the qualifying exam is Gene by gene and genotype by environment interactions in wheat breeding programs using genomic selection.
The title of the qualifying exam is Breeding Robust Production Sows.
A two week virtual conference.
On Friday 23 October, PhD student at Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Pernille Bjarup Hansen, is defending her PhD thesis entitled…
This year's Pig Congress will be a little different, as it will be spread out to six different cities on 20 October as the event "Science across”.
On Wednesday 7 October, PhD student at Sejet Plant Breeding I/S and Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Charlotte Damsgård Robertsen, is…
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