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MSc / PhD summer course, in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Day event for MBG
The annual meeting of ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording) will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-16 June.
On Tuesday 23. May, PhD student at MBG-QGG and China Agricultural University, Lingzhao Fang, will defend his dissertation 'Genomic feature model…
The workshop is taught by Mike Grossman
QGG is hosting the annual meeting for the European Forum of Farm Animal Breeding (EFFAB) and Farm Animal Bre?eding &?? Reproduction Technology…
More information will follow but if you already know you will be participating, please send your registration by mail to Ann Raaby (anraa@vikinggeneti…
Master Student Course, Mondays in April and May 2017
Professor Agustin Blasco from the Polytechnic University in Valencia (Spain) is visiting QQG from 16 to 19 March.
QGG's internal staff meeting
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