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Det årlige samlingspunkt for landmænd med kvægbedrifter, forskere, beslutningstagere og interesseorganisationer.
Aarhus University is organising the international conference on 'Zero Greenhouse Emission in High Productive Agriculture - ZEA' 22 - 24 February 2022.…
Kongressen er Nordens største om planteproduktion, natur, miljø og planlægning.
PAG brings together over 3,000 leading genetic scientists and researchers in plant and animal research, and over 150 exhibits, 180 workshops, 1200 …
Dansk griseproduktions største faglige begivenhed er tilbage i Herning.
Experience what is happening in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics research and innovation at Aarhus University
Scientific solutions to different demands on the livestock sector
72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science in Davos,…
Det Internationale Selskab for Dyregenetik afholder sin 38. konference i Cape Town, Sydafrika.
Titlen på Morten Dahls midtvejseksamen er Optimized algorithms for use of genomic information in animal breeding.
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